I'm really ticked!. I just wrote this really long post and when I went to post it blogger was not available and I lost the whole thing!!! GRRRRRRRR!! This is the first time this has happened to me but I suppose that it won't be the last. I'll try to recreate it, although after you've written it once it doesn't seem the same the second time around! Oh well.
I've been really busy at work and consequently pretty tired by the end of the day. Come home, read some blogs, eat, watch t.v. knitting and then bed. Nothing too exciting.
We had a birthday supper for youngest son on Sunday. We did bbq chicken and oven roasted potatoes and mixed peppers-delicious. DIL brought a homemade birthday cake so we were all quite stuffed at the end of the evening. It was very yummy.
Youngest g'daughter had to have a little surgical procedure on Friday so grandpa looked after the youngest g'son for the day. They had a great time together. They went to Costco and g'son pointed out what he wanted for his b'day and christmas- everything they had in the toy isle for a boy!!! They also went to the park and played on all the equipment so they both had to come home for a nap after that.
One of the blogs I like to visit is 'Miles Away from Home'. It's written by an English women who moved to France with her family. Her site has been unavailable for over a week. Does anyone have any connections.
I thought I'd try a different 'look' for my blog. What do you think? I think I like the colours better. I'll keep it for a while anyway.
I've been knitting a little toddler outfit for BFF coworker. (No pictures yet). It started out as just a little sweater but there was more yarn so I knitted a hat and there was still more so I made a pair of mittens and there's still more left so I think I'll use the rest and make a scarf. I'll take pictures when they're all sewn up.
I got these fabulous fabric boxes from my BFF for my birthday. I love them, there from EQ3. It's a furniture and accessories store that are in Canada and the U.S. I don't know if they are in any other countries.
That's it for this time. Be back soon, hopefully. Bye for now.
Happy Thanksgiving and Columbus Day to all Canadian and U.S. bloggers.
We had an amazing Thanksgiving dinner yesterday at #1 son's house. He and DIL did an amazing job preparing the meal. There was, of course, the turkey (delicious), dressing, carrots and turnips, corn, mashed potatoes, cabbage rolls, gravy and buns. As if that wasn't enough, the selection of pies was pumpkin, apple, cherry, banana cream and pecan cranberry - oh my!!! The apples and cherries were from the DIL's parents trees on their acreage in Saskatchewan. Needless to say we were all stuffed at the end of that. There were 10 people, but enough food for twice that many!!! I forgot to take the camera so no pictures.
I do have pictures of another fabulous meal we had about a week ago though. My BFF invited my husband and I over for a belated birthday fondue. Her mom has been visiting from Ontario so there was the four of us. Again there was enough food for about 10 people.
We had 3 fondue pots going, two with oil and the third with swiss cheese. There was beef, chicken, ham, cocktail weiners, shrimp, bread for the cheese, mushrooms, potatoes, snap peas, radishes cherry tomatoes, peppers, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots and so many dips and dipping sauces I can't remember them all. To finish it all off there was a fabulous chocolate mousse cake with chocolate ice cream and lots of white wine throughout to help it all go down!
On Friday night #4 son, DIL and the grandchildren took us out for another belated birthday dinner. We went to a little Italian place called Nicko's Bistro. Very small, very trendy in the 'yuppy' area of town that they live in. I think the restaurant only seats about 40 people and you have to have a reservation or you won't get in. There were lots of people that were turned away as all tables were reserved. We started with calamari and ceasar salads. The calamari was cooked in a spicy sauce. None of us had had them cooked that way before and they were very good. We had two veal dishes, a salmon dish and manicotti which we all shared with the g'children. All dishes came with penne pasta in a red sauce. For dessert we had a creme caramel, chocolate mousse and apple strudel with ice cream. We were all very satisfied after the meal and the g'children were very good and they are only 3 and 6 years old. The 3 year old was adamant though that he wasn't going to sit in the high chair they had for him but he did settle for a booster seat!!!
Well, this posting is definitely of the 'one track' variety - food!!! It was all very good though and thoroughly enjoyed by all! 'Til next time - bye.