
Wednesday, November 17, 2021

It must be that time of the year again!


All the decorations at one of the malls.  They also put up a huge Christmas tree.  It must be 30 feet high, but it was only half way assembled when we were there.
We've had real deer on our street everyday this week and my next door neighbour told me that she had a bobcat on her deck looking through her kitchen window a couple of days ago.  There have been reports of several in the neighbourhood lately.

Monday, November 1, 2021

Nothing New

 So here it is, November 1st, -11C and cold.  It snowed on Friday so we will probably have snow on the front lawn (faces north) until May!!  It never gets the sun, and we look at the houses across the street and not a trace of any snow.  

Halloween yesterday.   We saw quite a few kids on the street, don't know where they were all going but we only had 10 come up to the house.  No little ones, all about 10-13, all very polite and in costume.  There were no events at the community centres or the shopping malls, maybe they were going over to the school grounds, no idea.

One of the houses in the cul-de-sac across from us had a party Saturday night.  We counted 11 cars there.  So much for the rule of only two fully vaccinated households can come together with a maximum of 10 people!!