
Wednesday, July 3, 2024


Finally, after 26 days the indoor  water restrictions have been lifted!! That means indoor swimming pools will be refilled, hockey arenas flooded and carwashes can resume. We have been told that we can go back to normal at home but have been asked to practice restraint.  If you have 4 loads of laundry to do please try to spread it over 4 days rather than all at once as the water is still only running at 50% capacity. So I ran the dishwasher Monday night, did a load of laundry yesterday and one today. We still haven't been told when outdoor restrictions will be lifted so still no watering of gardens by hosepipe, just by rain barrels and the miraid of containers that people have been using to collect rain water, which we have had a lot of recently.  Temperatures are supposed to be in the 30s this coming week so hopefully the restrictions will be lifted soon. Also the Calgary Stampede starts tomorrow.  It is a 10 day event and over 1.4million people usually attend, many from around the world.  If you've never been it is quite a spectacular event. It also brings a LOT of money into the city over the 10 days.  The push was really on to have the water issue solved by the time Stampede starts! I'm just glad to be able to have a longer shower, flush the toilet everytime and do laundry!  Simple pleasures!!!

DH had his checkup with the surgeon.  Everything is fine, see you at 6 months! The location of the clinic is right downtown. A place we never ever go, except to the Hip and Knee clinic which is where we both had to go.  I'm sure there is more construction going on downtown than in 6 cities put together.  Because we never go down there nothing is familiar anymore and it is like gridlock due to the amount of traffic and construction.  We have been very lucky as for myself and DH our youngest son always taken us down there for our appointments and brought us home.  As well as his regular job he sometimes worked as an Uber driver so he knows all the short cuts and would get us there in no time.  This appointment he had to go out of town for work and couldn't take us.  DH was so stressed about this but we did manage to get GD Kelsey to drive us down and her husband picked us up to bring us home, phew! I think the older we get the more stressful stuff like this becomes. It's also a little annoying when you go through all this to spend 2 minutes with the surgeon, who probably asked 2 questions and the same with the physio.  We were in and out in about 10 minutes. At least everything is fine.


  1. It's hard trying to manage without electricity but it's much worse without water. Glad it's back. I've heard of The Stampede , see bits of it on YouTube. Exciting and very good for the city.
    As for getting around city streets. I know exactly how it is. I used to drive through Athens and Piraeus. I wouldn't dare try now. Roads have changed completely.

    1. Ps flooding hockey arenas? Now there's something completely new to me!!

    2. when I say flooding it means they put gallons and gallons of water on the surface and then set the temperature for it to freeze to skate on-that's the very simplified explanation,lol!!

  2. I'm not surprised they managed to fix the water issues by the time Stampede starts, I'm sure it would have kept some people from attending. Glad for you that you've get to do your laundry and have a shower.
    I've only been in downtown Calgary for business and used cabs to and from the airport. I can't imagine driving in the traffic there! It's nice to have family to help out on occasion.
