
Wednesday, October 16, 2024

This and that

 Looked out of the window, very early in the morning a couple of weeks ago and there was a hot air balloon floating by the house. We used to see lots of them but this is the first one for years.  I almost left it too late to get a picture but I kind of like this one through the trees.

There's been a little bunny living on our deck for the last couple of weeks.  I think he's hiding out as there have been a few coyotes around.  I did tell him though that if he keeps pooping on the deck I will have to evict him!!

We continue having health issues-mostly me this time. I had a lump on my eyelid so I went to see my doctor.  She cut it out (boy did that hurt for nearly 4 weeks) and sent it for biopsy. I had to wait nearly three weeks to get the results. Fortunately it was a benign polypoid. When I went to see the doctor again I had two more so she decided to send me to the skin cancer clinic. I was surprised to realize it has been 7 years since I was there last. They decided that one was a keloid and froze it with liquid nitrigen. They weren't sure about the other one so decided that as it was small we would wait three months and see if it changes.
I also have the recurring tendonitis in my right wrist. I had to have a cortisone shot in it about two weeks ago.  It's still not great but it is a little better.  I haven't been able to do any knitting for over two years because of this.  I'm still wearing a splint on it at night as that is when it bothers me the most-unfortunately wearing it is starting to irritate the skin. Can't win! 
The next thing was that we both tested positive for covid. It happened right on DH's birthday, so no nice supper out. He had a really bad cough. My cough wasn't as bad but I had the body aches, headache and chills.  At one point DH's temp was 40.1C and mine was 34.1C. Talk about two extremes!! I phoned our health link several times and they were really good and helpful as to what we needed to do. I must say that the attitude towards covid now is pretty laid back and nonchalant. I asked when we should test again and they said don't. When we feel okay and temperature is back to normal we can go back to normal. No point in testing again as a person can test positive for up to 90 days!!! We had a couple of time sensitive appointments coming up so we phoned them and told them the situation and they both said no problem just wear a mask. The health link doctor said that as we have had all the covid vaccinations and this is the first time we have had covid we have good immunity.
We both got the flu shot yesterday and will get the covid shot when it is available next week.

And to end on a smile. Here's Walker at his first gymnastics class-Kelsey was exhausted🥵❤️😂


  1. What a cute bunny!!! How wonderful to look out the window and see that hot air balloon.

    God bless.

  2. You've had an interesting time from bunnies on the deck to covid. Hope your health issues all settle down.
