
Saturday, January 13, 2024

So so cold!!!!

 We have just received a Critical Civic Emergency alert!!       After days and days of frigid temperatures and extreme cold, resulting in high power demand, this has placed the Alberta grid at a high risk of rotating power outages this evening!!  We are asked to immediately limit our electricity use to essential needs only.  We have turned off everything we can, got extra blankets and flashlights at the ready-and hope we don't need them!!

We haven't been out of the house since Tuesday as it is so cold.  We have wonderful neighbours who shovel all our snow, including the driveway, for us. I just had to shovel a path from the deck to the garage to plug in the vehicle! Hopefully it will have warmed up a little by Monday as we have appointment Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.


  1. And I thought it was cold here. Who am I kidding. Hope those power cuts don't happen. Hope it really does warm up a little

    1. The power didn't go out, thank goodness. Apparently as soon as the alert went out the usage went down significantly! People must have turned off all unnecessary stuff and it really made a difference.

  2. Hope your power stayed on. Our eldest lives in Alberta as well. Here in Saskatchewan, we are fighting against those frigid temperatures as well. We haven't been outside in days!!!! Going a bit stir crazy is Hubby.

    God bless.

    1. My DH likes to go out every day to the mall so he can walk a lap. He hasn't done that since Tuesday.

  3. Well, you have it worse than me and I thought we were really cold at -12° F this morning in Illinois! Hope it warms up soon and you stay safe.

    1. This morning it is -37C with windchill -43C. That translates to -35F and -45F. It's supposed to warm up a little bit tomorrow thank goodness!

  4. I haven't heard the news yet this morning, but I do hope the power stayed on for you. It would be so horrible to be without it when it is this freaking cold. Let's hope this cold snap snaps soon.

  5. Cold here too Jan but I suspect that our temperature daytime of 3 bears no relation to 'cold' where you are. Keep snug and warm and fingers crossed the power stays on.

    1. Thanks Pat. This morning we just received another notification of a possible power outage. We are supposed to warm up a little bit so hopefully it won't happen.
